If you can hold your event as planned this year…awesome! If you were hoping to tee-off now or in the the Spring, but can’t get the go ahead due to Covid…don’t despair! You’ve got plenty of time to re-schedule…but the sooner you start that conversation with the golf course, the better; you won’t be the only one looking at Summer or Fall dates! If you ARE one of the lucky ones that indeed are still a “go” in the next few months, keep in mind the old “safety first” adage still applies: get together with your course pro and/or tournament manager to ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to protocols that need to be adhered to. Everyone is looking to you “early birds” to set a good example! But being safe doesn’t mean you have to skimp on the fun: Go ahead, razzle and dazzle your players with great hole-in-one prizes, fun contests, a great auction, unique raffle prizes and a killer player gift that will NOT end up buried somewhere deep in their closets never to be seen again. So whether you’re full-speed ahead or still treading water, we stand ready to help with anything and everything that happens the day of the event…whenever that turns out to be! info@TournamentPros.com, 800-790-4653.