Posts made in March 2024

Think Outside the “Tee-Prize” Box!

Anything but another golf shirt…please! That’s what we hear many of the players at a charity golf tournament say time and time again! THAT player gift has run its “course”! If ever the phrase “think outside the box” was appropriate…this would be it. The tee-prize is the one thing that sticks with the golfers long after the last putt drops…so why not make it memorable?! Maybe something electronic? Or a household item? That’s right; there’s no rule that says the gift the players get HAS to be golf-related. Be creative! Maybe something for the spouse? Or the kids? We here at Tournament Pros can put your logo (or a sponsor’s) on over 100 different unique gifts that will remind everyone of the wonderful event your organization held…long after it’s over! Call or email for your free gift catalog today:
800-790-4653, And welcome to life outside the box!!