Fundraise From EVERYBODY, Not Just the Golfers!

Your charity golf tournament brings in a lot of golfers. But there are MANY more people that care about your cause, right?
So the golfers are a good place to start…but don’t STOP there! Your on-course contests may just be for the players, but there are SO many other things you can do to a)raise more money and b)engage all the NON golfers! Low hanging fruit is surely the auction; either a live or silent one…or both. You need to have great memorabilia that’s ON CONSIGNMENT; i.e. you only pay for what you sell. AND…why stop at memorabilia? There are fabulous trips, adventures and experiences that can garner some serious attention…and revenue! Your raffle prizes are also an easy ‘target’ to put put there for non-golfers. Tournament Pros can help you with all of these great fundraising ideas. AND…there’s one more GREAT fundraiser that can be offered to one and all; our Texas Hold’em scratchcards… with 52 winning cash combinations on EVERY card. They’re only $1.25/card…and WE pay out all winning prizes which range from $100 to $1000! You can sell them for whatever you like; $2/card, $5/card, 3 for $10?!? Best of all, these cards are fully refundable if you don’t use them! Contact us today at, 800-790-4653 and find out how you can easily be all-inclusive…and let EVERYONE in on the FUNDraising!