Welcome to a new year…and another charity golf outing. Here’s a great resolution (it’s NEVER too late to make one of those):
“Lets make it the best golf tournament we’ve ever had!” And for that to happen…well, you know the drill!
1. get a committee together…now!
2. assign each member a task (or two)…and hold them accountable!
The key to success…start early! You can never start TOO early. So gather the troops and get the ball rolling.
Tournament Pros will be glad to help any way we can…one call, that’s all! We offer a multitude of services…
pretty much everything that happens the day of we can assist you with:
1. Goodie bags for registration gift
2. Contests before and during the tournament ($5K Putt, $1M Shot, $1K closest-to-pin, and more!)
3. Team awards and raffle prizes
4. Auction items (sports/entertainment memorabilia and vacation getaways)
5. Sponsor signs
6. Hole-in-one insurance (any prize up to $1M!)
7. Trick Shot clinics and Helicopter ball drops!
So call US at 800-790-4653, email us at info@tournamentpros.com or chat us up at tournamentpros.com…TODAY!