While the average net profit for the tens of thousands of charity golf outings that occur across the country each year may only be $5000, there are organizations that make 20X that amount…and more! Which means there are too many events out there LOSING money, let alone raising less than the $5000 national average. This is unacceptable! If you’re one of the events keeping the average down…it’s time to do your part in raising it!! And it’s easier than you think: Start early, way early. Form a committee…you can’t go it alone! PLAN! PLAN! PLAN! Perhaps you need some fresh blood….look for some NEW people to join the committee. Maybe move the event to a nicer course, maybe a private venue that folks would love to play, but can’t! Look to add an auction, raffle, contests…whatever it takes! Advertise and market the event well in advance! Get something to the local radio and newspapers: Alert the media! Sure…all of this takes work…but if you’re going to go to all the trouble of having a charity golf outing, why be average?!?