Will Rogers famously once said “you never get a second chance to make a first impression”. (Or was it Oscar Wilde?) Regardless of who said it, they are very important words to remember when you’re deciding what t-prize to give your golfers when they arrive at the tournament! Are you going to hand them another shirt or hat…to go along with the dozens of other shirts and hats they have at home in their closet? Or are you going to give them something that stops them in their tracks…where they’re telling their friends they need to come to next year’s event!?! These days, you can put a tournament–or sponsor–logo on just about ANYTHING, and it doesn’t have to be golf related: electronics, home improvement items, leisure items, and on and on. The list is truly endless…so explore all your options! Which is why you may need to put more than one committee person in charge of player gifts; it’s a big job…and perhaps the most important one. If you need some help choosing the right gift, contact Tournament Pros at 800-790-4653, info@tournamentpros.com….and make that first impression a GREAT one!