And now for something completely different for your Golf Outing (Part 2)!

A trick shot show is not the ONLY curve ball you can throw at your players; how about a helicopter ball drop?!! Imagine as a dull noise starts to arise from a distance and continues to grow until everyone is staring up into the sky watching a chopper come up over the hillside and hover right over the 18th green! NOW you’ve got everyone’s attention! There are many ways to set up a ball drop, but you want to go with the no risk, all reward option…and Tournament Pros can show you just how to do it! (, 800-790-4653). Full disclosure…not every location or course can accommodate a helicopter…but in those instances where it’s not possible, you STILL have options. We have worked with local utility companies, truck companies and even fire departments to arrange some form of an entertaining ball drop! However the balls end up falling from the sky, it’s a risk-free way to generate revenue and entertain the troops! Anyone can purchase balls…not just the golfers!…and that means anyone can win if their ball winds up closest to the hole…not just the GOOD golfers! DROP us a line today!